Sunday, September 5, 2010

Leaning Too Far Forward

Because of Rule Number One (until it happens it hasn't happened) I've tried to be careful about getting myself too prepared. It took me months before I just recently ordered some French language software and a phrase book. I've known what the medical requirements are for an equally long time but since the list is as long as my arm, I didn't feel like going and getting a bunch of shots just to find out that I wasn't going over there after all. But now things are much more certain than before. As I mentioned before, a momentum builds up and works to prevent change because no one wants to go through all of this all over again.

As an IMA reservist I have a couple of problems. One of them is lack of a home unit that can put me through PTP Block 1. Pre-deployment Training Package 1 is the basic Marine Corps stuff and it's required for joining AFRICOM; rifle range, pistol range, gas chamber, swim qual, etc. Since I drill out in Hawaii a couple of times a year, I don't have the support for completing all these events. What I'm finding out now is that they can all be taken care of in North Carolina when I get to the deployment processing center. Good enough. That leaves me with just medical. That's going to hurt enough as it is. I count 15 different shots that I need to get before hitting the ground in DJ. Lucky for me I've got a month and a half before flying to NC and another month after that before arriving in country. Should be time enough.

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