Saturday, April 30, 2011

More Pictures of Camp Lemonnier

 Above is the turf field where everyone seems to be shocked and amazed that 90% percent of our sports related injuries happen.  In the background is the new fitness facility that's half built because only then did someone figure out that the contractor was not following the proper seismic construction guidelines.
 And we have another shot of CLUville and a gravel road, looking east from the turf field.
 This place needs to get some kind of award for clever use of shipping containers.  To the right is the free laundry service.  At my back is the MWR building that has a phone bank, big screen TV room and a library/game room.  The 'library' is about five or six shelves of paperbacks that hold a disturbing amount of cheap romances.  I think someone just boxed up some random shelves from a local Goodwill and sent them over.
This is the brand new chow hall that I'm pretty sure will never actually be finished.  It's looked just like this for five months.

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