Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And Now We Wait

I'm done with Medical and Supply and all my field training is done so now I pretty much stand by until the 11th. I had thought there was going to be more training so I coaxed the creation of my orders into giving me almost a month here. Turns out there's less to do than I anticipated. While I could go to the rifle range all week for a qualification, when I sat down and thought about it I decided against it. I'm already a rifle expert, second award, so there's nothing to gain and everything to lose. Qualification is not required for my rank and billet so therefore I just risk losing my expert score for no good reason. The odds of getting back on a range at this stage of my career are unlikely so I think I'll just keep what I've got.

I'm in contact with the Marine I'm replacing and his advice is to learn as much French as possible so I'll be doing a lot of that. There are several weekly coordination meetings with the Djiboutians, who speak French, and the French Army. (Who also, BTW, speak French.) And of course there's always a plethora of Joint Doctrine pubs that I can read, although I hear tell that CJTF-HOA makes up their own doctrine on the fly so we'll see how valuable that is.

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