Monday, October 18, 2010

Deployment Processing Center

Other than being next to impossible to find in the gloom of early morning, with little to no signage and an unmarked S-1 entrance that's hidden under a stairwell, things are running fairly smoothly here at the DPC. They have their check-in procedures down and you finish with S-1 to walk across the parking lot and sign up for training events through the S-3. Then you get your billeting arranged while here at CLNC. I'm sitting down with the MarForAf LNO after lunch and then starting my run through medical. Medical should take most of the week and all my field training will take most of next week. There's also a list, much longer than I had previously thought, of online courses you have to run through. Those can be done on my laptop at my own pace and they have printers in order to print off certificates. They also have a bank of unclassified computers that we can use.

There's a large group of Marines, mostly going to a new Brigade HQ that CENTCOM is standing up, and they are sort of clogging the system this week. No worries though, I'm pretty sure I'll be here for a month anyway. Another friendly LtCol pointed to my check-in sheet and said that it's basically a scavenger hunt. You finally figure out exactly what building and room you have to go to only to find that the person is out until tomorrow. That sort of thing. Really, the big hold up for most people seems to be medical and that's probably how it will be with me, waiting for all the live vaccines I have to get.

So it's been an interesting day one and it's only noon chow.

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